
5 Sex Benefits You Can Get from Drinking Lemon Water

Did you know lemon juice is the ultimate solution to men’s loss of sexual desire and it’s the best way to keep yourself hydrated?

What we are going to discuss about is much simpler than this, how about telling you the lemon water as multiple health benefits most of which are sex-related.

Don’t be alarmed, life is giving you lemons so all you have to do is squeeze the best sex out of it.

A healthy life is having a good physical structure, perfectly balanced diet with powerful sexual stamina.

This will bring you to some difficult diet plans which claim to boost libido and allows you to have smaller meals every day.

What we seek is sometimes lies in front of us which we don’t see clearly, not the natural male enhancement supplement or sex pills that can get you maximum sexual time.

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Did you know lemon juice is the ultimate solution to men’s loss of sexual desire and it’s the best way to keep yourself hydrated?

Hydration is the common process that keeps our body parts working with normal agility even sexual intercourse.

Today we are going to highlight 2 sexy reasons men should be drinking lemon water and these are classics

Potential Sexual Benefits of Lemon Water

1) Improved Blood Flow

lemon improved blood flow

This is the not hydro pump we are talking about, drinking lemon water first of all ease the symptoms of constipation and then it increases the blood supply.

This blood supply is happening to be improved in the penis where the actual sex drive develops.

Increased blood flow means a bigger and stronger erection which you can play with as long as you want.

Before sexual intercourse, it is better to drink lemon juice instead of plain water, the reason is dehydration can cause loss of libido and lemon water stops this relapse from occurring for hours.

2) Sugar Alternative

vitamin c in lemon water

A lot of people start eating once they get extremely thirsty, this would be the perfect time to drink lemon juice and replenish the body essential nutrients.

For someone who doesn’t like the taste of plain water can simply squeeze half of a lemon into his drink and it can replace sugary drinks to the large extent.

Do you have any idea what would it be if you skip the carbonated drinks with lemon water?

Your face will start glowing, the libido will hit the upper chart value, plus you will have this incredible confidence every girl wants.

Vitamin C in lemon water abolishes the free radical formation which hinders the pathway for spermatogenesis.

Taking Vitamin C every day promotes sperm cell generation which ultimately increases the sex drive of a person.

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3) Pain Relief

lemon water relives pain

Ever happened to you that you are performing sex and suddenly feels pain in the kidney?

Citrate in lemon avoids the stone formations in the kidneys, which also affect your libido.

For kidney stone patients, drinking lemon water twice a day is recommended by the doctors and it has many things to do with your sexual functions.

Pain is the ultimate boner killer which can also turn the mood off which gets scary.

Another advantage you can get from drinking lemon juice is getting your metabolism speed enhanced which burns the fat faster than expected.

It is the mitochondrial energy in the cell which helps you get a perfect body shape and sex drive of a monster; lemon water helps you gain maximum mitochondrial energy which then stimulates the thermogenesis.

It is the common process of weight loss which occurs naturally, this can lead you to lose stubborn fat and get your sex organ erect like never before.

4) Sex Drive Boost

drinking lemon water boost sex drive

There is a special way how lemon drink boosts sex drive in a person, lemon contains loads of antioxidants and inflammation preventing compounds that work by improving mental status.

This will also eradicate major brain-related diseases like stress, depression, Alzheimer and Parkinson’s.

This is true if you have the best working brain, then you are very good in bed. Lemon drink is the common enemy of free radical’s formation which induces oxidative stress at various body locations.

In lab or clinical trials, Vitamin C is linked to improving fertility in men and women by eradicating the cellular damage.

Seminal plasma is the biological fluid that helps in making sperm cells, Vitamin C in lemon water is the major part of Seminal fluid which helps in making high quality and quantity sperm.

5) Lemon Water Increase Testosterone

Lemon water increase testosterone levels

Nothing can optimize the level of testosterone better than lemon juice, why?

Because of Vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, and B6, which are directly in touch with testosterone secretion.

In men, testosterone is another name for sex drive which also helps in improving physical and mental functions.

Drinking lemon juice can optimize testosterone levels from where you can develop a massive urge for sex.

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Summing Up Lemon Water Benefits

One more thing, if you frequently experience urination in the middle of sexual intercourse, this would be because of the unnatural contraction of the bladder.

This would overcome by daily intake of Lemon water which gives you power over everything in the middle of sex.

Adding a glass of lemon water into your lifestyle has an extra number of benefits, most of which are sex-related.

Other than that, Lemon water helps in abolishing cancerous cells and prevents the formation of damaged cells.

Start drinking lemon water from today for total body replenishment.


By Jason R. Karp, Ph.D.

Jason is a certified trainer and a professional nutrition expert. He is currently pursuing towards Ph.D. in homeopathic medicines in the University of Florida. He is a fitness geek who has been using and observing several legal supplements for bodybuilding. He likes to discuss his review of fitness supplements with his audience.