
6 Essential Nutrients That Your Body Needs! [2020]

World Health Organization states that essential nutrients come from the food you eat and they could be important at the time of disease occurrence.

What Are Essential Nutrients?

According to the scientific definition, essential nutrients are the compound that the human body needs extremely but are found in a very less quantity.

Most of the essential nutrients are produced in the body but their level is way too low to fulfill the main demands.

World Health Organization states that essential nutrients come from the food you eat and they could be important at the time of disease occurrence.

Essential nutrients are further classified into two types

  1. Macronutrients: The one that contributes the largest part of the human body and supplied to you in the diet, examples are fat, carbohydrates and protein. They are the primary source of energy.
  2. Micronutrients: Micronutrients are supplied to the body in a very small dose, these are the vitamins and minerals which are responsible for taking part in several biological mechanisms.

List of Top 6 Essential Nutrients

The 6 best essential nutrients are given below with the source of nutrients you can get them from.

1) Water


Water is unlike anything humans could ever be bestowed by. Humans can live without food for days, but they can’t simply live without water intake.

Water is essential for almost every biochemical process in the body, it improves brain function and stabilizes the mood.

Flushing out the toxins and carry the nutrients to the cells is one of the core functions. Also, it prevents the chances of constipation and dehydration.


Water can also be found in some fruits like watermelons and vegetables like spinach. If you have yellowish urine, know that your body needs more water intake.

2) Protein


Protein is the reason why there is a muscle mass on your skeletal system.

This is the essential nutrients for all living creatures as well as bodybuilders who are dying to get in a good shape.

Proteins are the building blocks that form muscles, skin, bone structure and even cellular production.

16% of body weight is of the protein and is important for body growth and maintenance.

Protein is further divided into smaller amino acids, which are both essential and non-essential, they can be obtained from the food.

You don’t need every kind of amino acid at once though.


Protein can be found in abundance in meat, eggs, and fish which gives you the real deal of essential amino acids. There are plant sources from where you can get protein as well as beans, soy, nuts and whole grains.

As you age, the protein requirements get different from your body structure, nutritional requirement, and gender. Even in high numbers, protein can be an effective tool for weight loss despite its nature.

3) Fats


Fats are not always bad, there are good and bad types of fats, which we are going to mention.

Fats are involved in supporting various body mechanisms such as blood clotting, mineral absorption and building cells to muscle movements.

According to WHO guidelines, the dietary intake of a normal person should not exceed 30% of fat content.

The healthy fats in the food help you maintain the blood sugar and cholesterol level by also putting away the cardiovascular risks aside.

Healthy fats are also effective against cancer, arthritis and Alzheimer’s disease.


Some of the famous fatty acids are Omega-3 and Omega-6 which are found in cod liver oil. Fish are a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which also gives you unsaturated fats.

Unsaturated fat can be found in avocado, nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, and fish.

Coconut contains plant-based fats, which are available in a form of medium-chain triglycerides which induce appetite control in a person.

Trans fats found in deep-fried items and animal-based fats like butter, cheese, red meat are things to avoid.

4) Carbohydrates


Carbohydrate is the first line of energy for the body systems and is good for the brain, the compound according to the Mayo Clinic can protect against several diseases.

Our total calorie intake includes 40-60% carbohydrates.


Some carbs are healthier than others, if you are taking carbs from whole grain, fiber-rich vegetables or beans you are gaining the good sugar.

While before reaching for pasta or white bread, know that they might cause weight gain when eaten for the long term.

5) Vitamins


Vitamins are organic molecules and essential nutrients for the human body.

Types of Vitamins are A, B6, C and D which comes in the vitamins chart of micronutrients.

Every Vitamin serves a different function which is to ensure the mechanism in the human body is running smoothly.

Vitamin deficiency can cause certain health conditions such as blurred vision, weak bones, and crackly skin.

There are 13 essential vitamins, some of them are a powerful antioxidant, which prevents the damage by free radicals, some lower the risk of lungs and prostate cancer. Altogether, vitamins empower the immune system to fight against diseases.


Vitamins are found in plentiful amounts in green vegetables and almost in every fruit. These can improve the process of digestion and remove toxins from the body.

6) Minerals


Minerals works like Vitamins with slighter different mode. They are important for strong bones, teeth and metabolism.

Some of the essential minerals are iron, zinc, calcium and magnesium.

Minerals plays an important role in neuron communication, maintain blood pressure and ensure proper muscle contraction and relaxation.

Iron supports the synthesis of hemoglobin in the body without which you wouldn’t have RBC.

Summing Up

The best 6 essential nutrients for the human body should be consumed neatly and modestly.

One of the ways to achieve the best body and healthy immune system is to consume fruits and vegetables with a strict amount of good fats that may prevent the occurrence of many diseases.

Taking micro and macronutrients in combination is what you should do to stay healthy.


By Michael Norwood, Ph.D.

Michael is an enthusiastic online blogger and professional health and fitness experts who reviewed men’s related health supplements. Michael studied thoroughly about the nutrition available in food and what can make you eat healthily. He also encourages the idea of weight loss by dieting for which he has made some remarkable contributions to the people out there.