
Steroids for Women: Shocking Facts Revealed Inside! [2020]

No wonder steroids are bad for females, but there are some steroids for Women which can be useful for a short time period.

No wonder steroids are bad for females, but there are some legal steroids for Women which can be useful for a short time period.

female steroids

Women decided to look masculine after the generation gap because some of them can’t keep up being thin and fragile.

This is getting so much controversy that women mostly abuse steroids, although their body systems are not meant for such substances.

But let’s face reality, men and women are both using steroids for marked physical performance and excessive muscle growth.

This will give you a body figure like you see those female bodybuilders flaunting their biceps, wide shoulders and ABS.

Question: What Are Anabolic Steroids?

Anabolic steroids came from the word “Anabolism” which basically means the formation of new muscle cells.

anabolic steroids

This process also brings up wound healing and generation of sex cells that make a human being stronger and powerful.

Anabolic steroids do the same thing, they form new muscle mass and gives your body bulky appearance.

The purpose of anabolic steroids is not just limited to making bodybuilding, but it also gives you a great deal of stamina while performing which is why athletes are crazy about this stuff.

Women get attracted by this effect of anabolic steroids, which can uplift their career and sometimes demote it to the beginning.

Most women use the anabolic steroids for ultra-performance and enhanced physical energy which keeps them on go during any athletic activity.

How Anabolic Steroids Work?

Anabolic steroids are the chemical hormone that is produced in men after a certain age, such as during puberty.

female bodybuilding supplements

In this era, they get muscle mass formation, facial hair, deeper voice, and marked sexual characteristics, this is why you see a young boy with so much energy and rapid healing power.

Anabolic steroids actually have Endogenous Androgens, which are testosterone and hormones related to it.

The only thing which separates anabolic steroids from endogenous androgens is that it’s artificially produced in a lab.

These steroids can assist massive mass building and unlimited energy supply, but such types of effects are only meant to treat medical conditions like muscle wasting disease and osteoarthritis in women.

No wonder women after using steroid can perform with marked intensity and they also experience certain benefits like healed the joint pain and increased hunger which leads them to eat as much as they can.

According to DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency), anabolic steroids are classified as a Class III drug that is not allowed to use unless for medical conditions.

Any sportsmen or women who are caught using these substances should be banned and charged.

Also See: SARMs for Bodybuilding – SARM for Sale and How Do They Work?

Steroids for Women – Benefits and Effects

Women can get tons of benefits by using Anabolic Steroids but they will only be for a short time being.

steroids for women

Upon medical condition, women get the best out of anabolic steroids, which are to be used for a very short time period.

Here are the core benefits women can get after using steroids.

1) Enhanced Muscle/Body Size

There are various studies point that anabolic steroids can have marked effects on muscle mass building.

In 2007, a study on Testosterone stated that within 6 weeks of use can have differences in performance and bench press intensity which was significantly higher than the placebo effects.

The secret behind the muscle building effect is actually the increased stamina that allows the user to do exercises for more than usual.

As a result, more muscle mass would be generated since you are spending so much time at the gym.

2) Quick/Better Healing Power

Sportsmen and bodybuilders use steroids to get back from the injuries faster.

But these are not the types of injuries you are thinking, it’s actually muscle breakage or commonly known as muscle fatigue which makes it a painful condition.

Effects of anabolic steroids such as Testosterone Enanthate are known for improving muscle recovery by decreasing the inflammation.

This can increase healing rates and prepare you for the steps ahead.

3) Increased Physical Performance

Studies reveal that men and women who use steroids have better strength and endurance level.

If you are better at performing the workouts you will ultimately produce more body mass and that would be accompanied with better endurance.

If you ever stayed late during sexual intercourse that’s because your endurance level was high at that time.

Anabolic steroids give you the same results but on a gym platform.

Female Athletes Who Used Anabolic Steroids

There are many female athletes who were caught using PED (Performance Enhancement Drugs) and are now discharged from their careers.

female athletes using steroids

According to the study, about 80% of bodybuilding professionals in the US seeks help from these steroids for huge muscle mass and immediate results.

Some female celebrities and athlete who were caught using steroids are:

1) Marion Jones

One of the finest name in the history of female athletes who won 3 Gold Medals in a row.

She was associated with the use of using PED and this case stayed for the longest time period in US history.

At starting, she denied the allegations where she was continuously tested for the drug use and came negative.

Until 2007 where she supplicated as guilty of using PED and Anabolic steroids, which led her retired from the sports world forever.

2) Maria Sharapova

The Grand Slam Champion and a very talented tennis player who was banned for 10 years for using an illegal substance.

According to her, the substance she was taking was banned by WADA and International Tennis Federation and she tested positive in 2015.

3) Carina Damm

Carina Damm is a damn well good MMA fighter who was charged for using testosterone and done hormonal replacement therapy for improving her physical power.

She was also banned for a year for using Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone).

Steroids Side Effects for Women

Anabolic steroids can be very fatal to women’s body as there is a chance of Virilization.

side effects of steroids in women

When females develop men like features such as facial hair and a deeper voice, know that she has been taking heavy juices.

There are Side effects caused by anabolic steroids, which are both Physiological (one that occurs in your body) and Psychological (one that affects your mind). 

Let’s take a look at what are those side effects:

  • Breast Reduction
  • Male Pattern Hair Growth
  • Enlargement of Clitoris
  • Up and Down Libido
  • Hair Fall in many causes
  • Deeper Voice

Some medical conditions can arise or exacerbate during the use of anabolic steroids by women:

  • Adrenal Gland Disorder
  • Cushing’s Syndrome
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Mental Side Effects caused by anabolic steroid include:

  • Depression
  • Aggression
  • Steroid Addiction
  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder (where individuals think about their real or perceived flaws for hours each day)
  • Manic Attacks

Top 5 Steroids for Women & Dosing

Females athletes are using these 5 best steroids for improved performance and better-looking physique.

There are plenty of risks and side effects associated with their use, which is why it is up to them to use steroids on their own risk.

Also See: Steroids For Weight Loss – Is There Anything Like Fat Burning Steroids?

female anabolic steroids

Considering there are many side effects with steroids use, the cycle should be of maximum 4-6 weeks.

The steroids mentioned below are chosen for female athletes, which have comparatively fewer side effects than most potent ones.

There are no psychological drawbacks linked with a quick onset and results.


Anavar is the best anabolic steroid for women, which has 100% strength and muscle mass formative ability inside.

Anavar dosage for women is around 2.5-10 mg which should be gradually increased till the 8th-week cycle.

Females shouldn’t exceed Anavar dosage more than 5mg in order to avoid negative outcomes.

Benefits of Anavar included increased strength for a better workout, enhanced endurance level, even after performing with vigor at the gym.

Lastly, it is the best steroid for women in the market with about more benefits than any anabolic steroid is currently offering.

Side Effects

  • Lethargy
  • Oily Skin
  • High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
  • Mood Swings
  • Low Libido
  • Nausea
  • Hair Fall


Winstrol dosage for women is 10mg per day, which can be increased to 20 mg if anyone is looking for a badass performance.

You can also stack Anavar with Winstrol for more solid results.

Benefits of Winstrol include no water retention in the muscles and enhancement of muscle mass formation.

It affects the agility and quick healing factors that improve your workout skills big time.

Side Effects

  • Liver failure
  • Low Libido
  • Skin Problems
  • Hair Fall
  • Virilization (development of masculine characteristics)


Anadrol is for better recovery and more oxygen supply to the muscles which keep them ripped and preserved without fats.

Anadrol dosage for women is 1-5 mg/kg which should be 60-300 mg if you weight 60kg.

Anadrol benefits for females are stronger weight gains, strength, endurance and better oxygen supply to the muscles.

This will heal the muscle fatigue way quicker than any other thing.

Side Effects

  • Palpitation
  • Mood Swings
  • Diarrhea
  • Edema
  • Acne
  • Loss of Libido

The edema is the water accumulation which causes swelling of the feet and ankles, this can be overcome by antihypertensive medications such as diuretics.


Nandrolone is one of the efficient female bodybuilding steroids, which supports muscle growth and RBC (Red Blood Cells) production.

Deca Durabolin dosage for women is 50mg once a week, which shouldn’t be more than 6 weeks.

Long term use of Deca can develop men like features in women, which in the medical world called Virilization.

There are sundry benefits of using Deca Durabolin for females which mainly includes

  • Enhanced Muscle Growth
  • Boosted RBC Level, Promotes Healing Rate and Muscle Formation
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Joint Recovery
  • Higher Endurance Level

Side Effects

  • Acne
  • Insomniaa
  • Clitoral Enlarged
  • Elevated Sex Drive
  • Increased Hair Growth and Deepness of Voice
  • Liver Failure
  • Excessive Water Retention Cause Swelling


Primobolan is an only anabolic substance that women can take up to 100mg a week.

The daily dosage for women of Primobolan is 5-10mg which to be precise is used during the cutting cycle.

There are many benefits of Primobolan, which to be short is the preservation of muscle mass while fat cells eradication, it’s a very well tolerated steroid by women and chances of side effects are also very less.

Side Effects

  • Acne- Due to the formation of sebaceous glands
  • Permanent Virilization
  • Aggression
  • Hair Loss
  • Insomnia
  • Irregular Menstrual Cycle

Legal Alternatives of Anabolic Steroids for Women

Men and women around the world who are fond of bodybuilding are currently switching to the natural and legal alternatives where they have to stay dedicated and punctual.

best female legal steroids

Legal steroids or in other words “Naturals Steroids” are taking over bodybuilders are most of them experienced the impressive outcomes.

Females legal steroids include Decaduro and Anadrole, these two legal supplements are designed and named after Nandrolone and Anadrol, only they are not artificial and made up of natural constituents which you can read by clicking here.

For Bulking Cycle
  1. DecaDuro
  2. Anadrole
For Cutting Cycle
  1. Winsol
  2. Anvarol
  3. Clenbutrol

Natural bodybuilding supplements for women like these are designed according to the female’s body.

If you read about them, you will find these effects can be permanent without any sight of lethal and revolting side effects.

Final Thoughts

Generally speaking, using illegal or anabolic steroids is associated with risk for females.

There are so much to swallow in terms of understanding the science and side effects behind these steroids, these side effects can be a lot damaging for women than they are for males.

Females like to enjoy their neat and clean look, and when you add some bulk it would seem great to some female bodybuilders who work hard day and night to achieve the toughest fitness goals.

So they use steroids, just for some extra help, but this aid could be life-threatening if used improperly.

The best female steroids in the market are all natural which are currently being formulated and distributed by Crazy Bulk.

Check them out and you won’t have to visit the Black Market anymore!


By Marlo Mittler MS, RD

Marlo is a certified dietician who graduated in June 2008, currently, she is working with highly professional who belongs to the fitness field along with certain types of psychologists and physicians. Being an observing and keen dietician, Marlo has got her publications which were introduced in Women magazine, Home Journals, Newsday and Fitness Magazines.