
Mind Lab Pro Reviews: How It Works, Effects & Results Revealed [2020]

So, is Mind Lab Pro the smartly crafted nootropic stack to end all nootropic stacks or just sort of meh? Let’s read the Mind Lab Pro review to find out.

Are you a college student or a 9-to-5 worker? An athlete or geek? Or do you work from home in front of a computer screen all day, trying to stake a claim in the new Wild West of the online frontier? Whoever you are, one thing I’m confident you at least have (I hope) is a brain, and thus you and your brain may benefit by taking Mind Lab Pro.

We typically think of supplements as bodily health enhancement. And while, yes, what improves brain health often also improves body health, nootropics are intentionally designed to improve cognitive performance measures, such as memory, focus, clarity, mood, motivation, and so on.

Buy Mind Lab Pro online

And that’s exactly the intention of Mind Lab Pro, a powerful, all-natural nootropic supplement that’s become an increasingly bigger name in the nootropic game.

The mind is a powerful tool, for better or worse. But there’s nothing worse than having a mind full of ambition yet weak in execution due to any number of various structural impediments or deficiencies in the brain.

Taking a smartly crafted nootropic stack may help improve brain health in support of mental performance. So, is Mind Lab Pro the smartly crafted nootropic stack to end all nootropic stacks or just sort of meh?

Let’s read the Mind Lab Pro review to find out.

What Are Nootropics?

Essentially, nootropics are cognitive enhancers that, unlike smart pills (e.g., Adderall), don’t compromise brain health but rather bolster it. The intent is to improve mental performance as a result of brain health enhancement, not at the cost of your health.

The word “nootropic” comes from the Greek words “noos” (meaning “mind”) and “tropē” (meaning “turning”). So, nootropics are “mind-turning” substances, albeit ones that turn the mind in a positive, healthy, constructive direction.

Not all nootropics are lab-synthesized. In fact, more and more nootropics that we find in supplements are natural ingredients – or extracted from natural sources – that target the brain’s natural pathways.

The emphasis on “natural” is a positive development in brain health enhancement, and Mind Lab Pro seems to be a significant contributor to this development.

What Is Mind Lab Pro & What Is It For?

Simply put, Mind Lab Pro is an advanced nootropic supplement that uses all-natural compounds and extracts that altogether enhance both short- and long-term mental performance.

Typically, when we seek cognitive enhancing substances, we opt for stimulants like caffeine, which provide fast-acting, feel-good boosts on mental performance.

However, these aren’t necessarily great in the long run and take a sort of crude approach to boosting the brain.

Mind Lab Pro’s non-stim formula takes a more nuanced, multi-faceted approach to enhancing cognition by targeting the following natural pathways:

Buy Mind Lab Pro now
  • Energy: natural ATP energy and metabolic optimization.
  • Brain Chemicals: dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, etc.
  • Blood Flow: better circulation means better brain nourishment.
  • Brainwaves: namely alpha brainwaves associated with focus.
  • Neuroprotection: better oxidative/hormonal stress management.
  • Neuroregeneration: improved neuron repair and growth.

Whether or not you feel like you need the enhancement, Mind Lab Pro may help bolster your structural brain health so as to keep your cognition ticking longer.

As we age, cognition declines. Memory falters, focus blurs, mood declines, and all of the age-related detriments combine to make life way more difficult than it needs to be.

Nootropics may not only help improve impaired cognition, but they also help healthy young users protect their minds against the ravages of time.

And in terms of, say, workplace competition, Mind Lab Pro certainly gives you that edge, that composure and stamina to work harder for longer without having any mental breakdowns or workplace freakouts.

Which, yes, can be fun and relieving, but in the long run tend to be embarrassing and make for awkward breakroom conversation.

How Mind Lab Pro Works to Improve Cognitive Skills

Mind Lab Pro targets the natural pathways above through various approaches. Whereas stimulants simply flush the brain with a synthetic amount of neurochemical activity, Mind Lab Pro identifies the key cognitive “pressure points,” so to speak, and enhances them.

This is an effective strategy for a number of reasons. Other premium-grade supplements tend to stuff their capsules with every single nootropic available, hoping to impress their buyers by having all of the best nootropics known to mankind.

However, the problem with his approach is that it risks negative ingredient interactions and poor dosages, as these ingredients have to compete with each other for precious capsule space.

Mind Lab Pro’s more refined, simple approach allows each nootropic to breathe.

Also, this reduces the manufacturing costs of Mind Lab Pro and thus the price of this supplement. Comparable products sell in the (yes) $100+ range to make up for all of the ingredients crammed into their formulas, and, ironically, they seem less effective than Mind Lab Pro.

By supplying natural precursors for neurochemicals, increasing cellular energy production, relaxing blood vessels, reducing free radical damages, and much more, Mind Lab Pro nourishes, protects, and boosts cognitive performance across the board.

Truly impressive for such a refined formula.

What Are Mind Lab Pro Ingredients & How Do They Work?

What are Mind Lab Pro’s ingredients? Well, they’re nootropics. Duh! Except you’re more probably wondering specifically which ingredients Mind Lab Pro uses in its formula, whether or not they’re any good, and how they work (if at all).

How Mind Lab Pro ingredients work

Spoiler alert, all these ingredients do work, and they’re all great. Let’s check them out.

What’s great about Mind Lab Pro’s selection of ingredients is how they’re each backed by clinical research.

Many supplements insert cool-sounding nootropics that make speculative sense (and, yes, might actually work), but they’re not back by human studies and, thus, can’t be taken with 100% confidence that they work and/or are safe for long-term use.

Individually, each ingredient helps improve particular aspects of cognition. Altogether, they synergize for total 100% brain power.

1) B Vitamins (as BioGenesis™)

Mind Lab Pro’s B vitamin complex includes three B vitamins: B6, B9, and B12. Had Mind Lab Pro only included vitamin B6, I’d have been happy. Vitamin B6 is a great nootropic to pair with the nootropics below, namely N-acetyl L-tyrosine which converts to catecholamine neurotransmitters with the help of vitamin B6.

However, the addition of B9 and B12 only further help support brain chemical status – and brain health in toto – by improving cerebral circulation and enhancing metabolic energy production. This is a subtle, yet smart stack within a stack of exceptional quality.

Whereas other nootropic supplements tend to use weak, hard-to-absorb forms of these B vitamins, Mind Lab Pro supplies them in advanced, food-identical BioGenesis form. Great stuff here.

2) Citicoline (as Cognizin®)

One of the best natural nootropics, one that sets the upper league nootropic stacks against the minor league boys, Citicoline is a cholinergic cognitive enhancer that supplies two brain healthy compounds: (1) choline, the precursor to neurotransmitter acetylcholine, and (2) cytidine, the precursor to nucleotide uridine.

Whereas other cholinergics do supply choline for enhanced acetylcholine activity, Citicoline’s unique addition of cytidine also provides uridine’s brain benefits, which include enhanced ATP energy production and synaptic plasticity.

Cognizin is definitely the brand of choice here, due to the substantial amount of clinical research backing it.

3) Bacopa Monnieri (Full Spectrum Extract)
Bacopa Monnieri 150 mg

What’s better than Bacopa? That’s right: well, maybe Citicoline, but probably nothing. This Ayurvedic treasure is one of the best herbal nootropics on the market, especially when supplied as a potent, full spectrum extract.

And, frankly, I’m not sure I know of any other supplements that supply as full a spectrum extract as Mind Lab Pro’s Bacopa extract, which gives us nine of Bacopa’s bio-active bacosides.

When taken daily long-term, Bacopa monnieri seems to improve high-order cognition – such as memory and learning – by enhancing cholinergic pathways. Also, this plant seems to reduce the negative effects of amyloid plaque build-up in the brain.

4) Lion’s Mane Mushroom (Full Spectrum)

Several shrooms are great for brain and body health, but Lion’s Mane Mushroom is unique for its ability to improve neuroregeneration, or the repair and growth of brain cells.

Not to say that you’ll outright grow a new brain with this stuff, but Lion’s Mane does seem to significantly improve nerve growth factor activity in the brain, thereby creating a more fertile environment for brain cell maintenance.

I can’t think of too many nootropics capable of neuroregeneration, let alone natural nootropics.

So, props to Mind Lab Pro for including this groovy brain booster. A little daily Lion’s Mane may go a long way.

6) Phosphatidylserine (as Sharp-PS® Green)
Phosphatidylserine (PS) 100 mg

Likewise, a little daily phosphatidylserine may go a long way. This phospholipid partially comprises the double bilayer cell membrane, the permeable, fatty, gooey stuff that helps keep cells together, including brain cells.

Which is cool. Except what’s not cool is that as we age our natural phosphatidylserine count decreases. Which is a total bummer, maaaan.

Thankfully, supplementing phosphatidylserine may help improve long-term cognitive performance and health, and it seems to also possess ergogenic sports performance benefits for younger users who supplement this stuff daily, making phosphatidylserine a now-and-then nootropic to take always.

6) N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine (NALT)

Some nootropics you take daily. Others you take as needed. N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine is an as-needed nootropic that’s still good to take daily. And the times that you particularly need this amino acid is when you’re either sleep deprived or stressed out – or, let’s face it, both, considering how stressful it is to be constantly sleep-deprived.

Essentially, when you’re tired and lacking in the sleep department and your mind is working on overdrive, the brain keeps your cognition afloat by burning through catecholamines – e.g., dopamine, norepinephrine. But when those chemicals dry up, the brain shuts down.

Supplementing NALT may help keep the brain afloat for longer when catecholamine levels are threatened by your poor sleeping habits.

Yeah, that’s right, I said it: your poor sleeping habits. Ain’t no one to blame here but yourself.

7) L-Theanine (as Suntheanine®)

Ever wondered why green tea doesn’t get you as amped as coffee? Well, it isn’t solely because green tea has a lower concentration of caffeine.

It’s also hugely thanks to L-theanine, a green tea amino acid that helps relax cognition and improve focus by promoting alpha brainwaves, the brain frequency state associated with calm, meditative thinking.

I don’t want to understate how cool this is. Whereas other calming, anti-anxiety compounds help fight anxiety and worry and Ahhh! I can’t think! with sleepy sedation, L-theanine calms the mind, thereby helping it focus on only one worry and not one hundred worries, without also sedating the mind, which prevents the mind from focusing on anything altogether.

L-theanine is a great complement to caffeine – i.e., your morning cup of coffee – as it helps reduce the negative, jittery side effects of caffeine without compromising caffeine’s stimulatory benefits.

6) Rhodiola Rosea (3% Rosavins, 1% Salidroside)
Rhodiola Rosea 50 mg

People wrongfully describe Rhodiola rosea as an “energy booster,” and, frankly, I can’t blame them.

When you take a serving of this awesome, adaptogenic herb, you feel like a million bucks, like you’re ready to lift a million trucks and, uhm… fight a million shmucks.

Except you better hope that one of those million shmucks haven’t also taken Rhodiola.

But Rhodiola isn’t necessarily an energy booster. Instead, it’s more a fatigue reducer, meaning that it combats the wearying effects of fatigue and stress and whatever else is bumming you out, causing you to feel mehh throughout the day.

Really, this is one of my favorite nootropics, and the fact that it’s an herbal nootropic makes it all the better and healthier.

7) Maritime Pine Bark Extract (95% Proanthocyanidins)

Another awesome herbal nootropic is maritime pine bark extract, which is a cognitive enhancer that not too many people know about because it’s fairly new to the nootropic game.

And I genuinely think it’s somewhat of a game-changer, given its multi-purpose value in enhancing cerebral circulation, neuroregeneration, and attention.

In fact, clinical research has found this extract effect at improving attention under conditions of ADD/ADHD and hyperactivity, even well beyond the last serving.

Not too many nootropics have the power the improve cognition and keep it improved beyond the last serving.

Plus, the proanthocyanidins are potent antioxidants that help reduce oxidative stress – i.e., free radical damages – across the brain and body, giving Mind Lab Pro a bit of an anti-aging property.

The Truth Behind Mind Lab Pro – Is It a Scam?

No. And it’s easy to see when you take a look not only at the formula, not only at the bottle, but at the supplement’s website as well:

Few supplement manufacturers provide such an in-depth description of their formula – on an ingredient-by-ingredient basis, nonetheless – as Mind Lab Pro does.

It’s almost like taking a “Nootropic 101” course, reading their website.

This is always the case, but often what gives a nootropic scam away is its use of two things:

  1. Proprietary Blends: check the formula and see if the ingredient dosages are each displayed or hidden beneath a catch-all proprietary blend. Mind Lab Pro proudly displays all of its ingredient dosages.
  2. Obscure Auto-Ship Policies: many websites offer monthly auto-shipment options. However, many scammy supplements offer a “Free Trial” that comes with an auto-shipment agreement that’s hidden in the fine print.

The “Free Trial” scam in particular is annoying because the scammers will charge you after the first auto-shipped supplement that you didn’t know that you agreed to.

Plus, when you try to opt out of the auto-ship payments, some companies won’t fulfill your request, causing you to eventually have to cancel whatever card you’ve entered into their system.

Which all sucks and are all things you should avoid. But, fortunately, Mind Lab Pro is not any of these things, as these guys transparently showcase their policies and ingredients and, well, everything.

What Customer Reviews Are Saying About Mind Lab Pro?

The official website of Mind Lab Pro houses real reviews that are overwhelmingly popular in Mind Lab Pro’s favor.

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#ad Finals lead to winter break and winter break leads to 2nd semester…2nd semester is full of new challenges and schedules. #MindLabPro can give you the extra support you need to stay on top of things. ⠀ @em_balanced #repost It’s Christmas Break, yet I’m stuck studying for three different tests, but not without the help from MindLabPro and @cognizinciticoline. I’ve been taking this everyday since the hectic holiday season began to help my mind support my focus for my upcoming tests — NASM CPT exam , NSCA CSCS exam, and the GRE. Great news, CPT exam = Done, Complete, and PASSED (yay, big things to come people!) #MindLabPro and @cognizinciticoline helped support me not only with my studies, but also with focusing on my workouts! #ad #nasm #cpt #yooooo #embalanced ⠀ ⠀ #Cognizin #getcognizin #Citicoline #mentallyenergized #mindful #mindset #brainhealth #feedyourbrain

A post shared by Cognizin Citicoline (@cognizinciticoline) on

Here are a couple examples of the customer reviews for this cognitive enhancer (copied-&-pasted):

Absolutely Incredible
Before MindLab I was taking Qualia Mind which is good but in my honest opinion Mind lab gives you the clarity, focus, and confidence you desire without the additional ingredients.

The best part is you only have to take 2 pills. Obviously to get the best benefits its recommended to exercise and have a good diet but even without that you still get a positive experience.

Anybody who suffers from ADD/ADHD or anxiety will break out of their bad habits after taking this miracle pill. 5 out of 5 stars!

Jahleel A.

Very Effective

The most surprising aspect of the his nootropic for me was actually the mood boost. I knew that it would be incredible with focus, but feeling optimistic and seemingly able to take on anything was also a very pleasant surprise.

After trying many different brands and types of nootropics I have settled on this for being my absolute favorite.

Highly recommended for those who are creative or simply have a very demanding day job like me. Thank you for making such an incredible and easily digestible product — I will be purchasing this on a regular basis.

Benton R.
Are There Any Side Effects of Mind Lab Pro?

None experienced by this reviewer. If there are any incidents of side effects, they’re likely rare.

If anything, I consider Mind Lab Pro to be an effective mitigator of adverse effects associated with other nootropics – for example: Mind Lab Pro’s L-theanine helps reduce the jittery side effects of caffeine and its NALT helps replenish catecholamine levels depleted by, say, Modafinil.

By using all-natural ingredients and avoiding all the risky, synthetic stuff, Mind Lab Pro doesn’t pose any significant risk of side effects.

All clean, green stuff here that’s great for both health and performance.

Mind Lab Pro Pricing – Where to Purchase Mind Lab Pro Online?

Buy Mind Lab Pro from official website

You can buy Mind Lab Pro through the Mind Lab Pro website and, well, nowhere else. This supplement company only sells through products through their website, avoiding the chaos of third-party retailers such as Amazon or GNC or Walgreens, etc.

The upside here is that Mind Lab Pro pricing comes at a reduced price when you order in bulk. Check it out:

  • 1 Bottle: $65 for 60 capsules
  • 2 Bottles: $130 (+ free shipping) for 120 capsules
  • 3 Bottles (+1 Free Bottle): $195 (+ free shipping) for 240 capsules

Again, the low (to zero) risk of side effects with this supplement makes it a great daily foundation stack to supplement for the long run.

And with ingredients such as Bacopa monnieri, which requires ongoing supplementation to reach peak effect, you’ll want to take Mind Lab Pro for awhile in a consistent daily manner.

Mind Lab Pro Rating by Experts

Okay, so the customer reviews are great and all, but what if they’re wrong? After all, we can’t expect everyone to be experts of everything.

Roughly, here’s a brief overview of the pros vs. cons of Mind Lab Pro typically covered by the experts on nootropic supplements:


  • Well-researched ingredients
  • Ingredients synergize each other’s effects
  • Noticeable, fast-acting improvements on focus
  • Non-addictive, long-term health enhancement
  • Improved memory and learning capacity
  • Natural, stim-free formula
  • No side effects
  • Offers free shipping
  • Money-back guarantee


Mainly, the complaint often expressed by supplement reviewers is how Mind Lab Pro exclusively sells through the Mind Lab Pro website. Also, the lack of stimulants, such as caffeine, may be seen as a “pro” by some (including me) and a “con” to others who enjoy the caffeine rush.

Final Verdict

Smartly crafted and transparently labelled, Mind Lab Pro is a superior option to most nootropic supplements available today.

Mind lab pro prices and stack

Each ingredient works well on their own within their respective areas of brain health enhancement. And there’s plenty of research to back up each ingredient’s qualifications as a bona fide nootropic.

But together, they work even better, enhancing each other’s effects for greater nootropic synergy and long-term neuroprotection.

With immensely positive customer reviews and expert reviews also backing up this supplement, Mind Lab Pro is a trustworthy stack that’s at least worth a try.

And as a stim-free, all-natural supplement, there’s no need to worry about side effects or “chasing the dragon” tolerance build-up.

Just reliable, daily brain boosts to keep the mind turning and never stagnating.

To learn more about Mind Lab Pro, you can head to their official website ( where you can find even more in-depth descriptions and explanations of this stack’s ingredients.


By Iris L. Mendez, MSW, LSW

Iris L. Mendez is a mental health professional, certified wellnesscoach, and blogger dedicated to spreading awareness on mental andphysical health. She enjoys empowering, inspiring, and motivating herclients to live healthier, happier, holistic lives through fitness,nutrition, and mindfulness.