Testosterone Booster

Nugenix Testosterone Booster – Do You Need It?

Nugenix is one of the dietary supplements that have touted to have properties which can eventually make natural testosterone production possible.

The better T levels directly pronounce great libido, superb blood flow, great muscle strength, and excellent fitness level.

Basically, Nugenix claims to have the right ingredients that can help you to feel young and energetic.

Interestingly enough, there are claims present that say that Nugenix ultimate testosterone booster is excellent at its work.

Thus, even GNC Nugenix, Nugenix Walmart, Nugenix Amazon are all possible.

Moreover, it even won GNC 2103 innovation award.

As per the producers of Nugenix Testosterone booster, you need to consume it on empty stomach so you can get its maximum benefits.

There are different harmful things absent in this product that makes it better for human consumption; we will be revealing further details in the later part of the review, let’s start.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a type of hormone that the human body produces.

Testosterone booster formula

It happens to be present in both males and females, but its roles are more phenomenal and prominent in a male body. It has all sorts of roles to play in a male body that can declare that body in a healthy state.

Its production takes place in the testes, but also in adrenal cortex and ovaries (in the case of women).

What is Free Testosterone, is it something different from the normal T hormone?

According to experts, a major portion of testosterone in your body is adhered/ clung to SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin), and the rest of the T hormone portion is attached to albumin (a soluble protein), and this attached version to albumin is said to be the free testosterone hormone.

The term free with this version of T hormone indicates that it is biologically available in an active form.

In another way, free testosterone is the only possible form that the tissue may uptake and that can actually work to improve the muscle mass, strength and much more.

You just get the idea right?

As soon as the male body starts aging, more precisely after the age of 30, the ratio of free testosterone decreases quite significantly.

This is not it because all the body functions that have the connection with this free T thing also reduce in their own capacity. You see, this whole thing is just a recipe of disaster.

If you still want to learn that which things it can actually disturb in the body, so the list is as follows.

  • Flabby muscles, no more tightness
  • Noticeable reduction in the sex drive
  • A significant decrease in strength

Thus, Nugenix is supposed to fight back these issues in the first place.

However, there is another side to this picture, and that is there are some of the health experts that believe, you do not need even any supplement to make any changes happen.

The simple tactics like

  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Staying active
  • Regulation of stress
  • Improve your overall lifestyle

These all above-mentioned methods are great to make some significant changes happen.

However, they are not easy to follow as they may sound.

They basically ask for consistency, being persistent while you practice them but in reality, this is not the case, and often you just lack the motivation that you require to do all these activities at ones and this is the place where the entry of an effective supplement takes place.

What are the leading Causes of low testosterone levels?

There could be several reasons for low testosterone levels.

causes of Low Testosterone in men
Low Testosterone

It is surprising, but most of them have no connection with age, but in reality, these reasons can cause lower T levels in young age people.

Some of these causes are as follows

  • Hormonal disturbance
  • Obesity
  • The issue of diabetes
  • Injury in reproductive organs
  • Quitting smoking

These are some of the actual serious reasons that inevitably ask you to talk to your doctor before you opt for self-medication and any kind of supplement because your physician is the best possible person who can guide you better.

Does this supplement really have the potential to provide you with the right benefits?

According to the company’s claim, the product is enriched with

  • zinc 5mg
  • vitamin B6 2mg
  • vitamin B12 50mcg

Nugenix Testosterone Complex (Testofen Fenugreek Extract 50% Fenuside, Tribulus Terrestris, L-Citrulline Malate) 2,103 mg

In the opinion of some more experts, the studies that prove the authenticity of Testofen working are quite limited in number. Just three studies confirm that there is little scientific evidence.

However, even those studies were not entirely up to the scientific standards; it means that there are no solid proves that we can use to declare this Testofen thing completely effective so what does it show?

Well, it just shows that we do need some proves before we declare Nugenix ultimate testosterone booster.

If you talk about other ingredients, individually, these ingredients are the backbone of some highly superb testosterone boosters that are quite popular on the market.

We cannot say that this supplement is total crap.

Nugenix benefits
Testosterone Booster Benefits

However, the potency of these ingredients does matter because not any two supplements are identical even they have same ingredient list; the level of potency of each ingredient could be different.

There is another weird thing happening. The Nugenix ingredients are pretty effective. Individually, these ingredients even have scientific proof that they can work for T level improvement naturally.

However, even the official site is not talking about these ingredients in an impressive way. It is hard to understand why? When they have such ingredients in their product composition, they should have mentioned them more prominently.

Therefore, in our opinion, these ingredients carry a strong background to support a supplement like Nugenix testosterone booster.

What is really Nugenix Ultimate Testosterone booster?

Nugenix Ultimate is precisely a testosterone boosting supplement that claims to have the potential to improve muscle mass and sexual traits in a brilliant way.

Nugenix reviews
Nugenix Testosterone Booster

When you happen to take, Nugenix in your routine, it initially enhances

  • your overall wellness and health of the body
  • libido
  • overall performance
  • confidence level

It is quite common to have decreased in these qualities either due to the aging factor or some sort of illness.

If either of these is the reason for your slower performance, you can count on Nugenix Ultimate.

Moreover, it can also work for you in a way that you can have better performance at your gym.

Most experts say that Nugenix testosterone booster tends to elevate the energy levels of the users, better endurance, athletically training and better performance in terms of the longer period of exercise are just some of the benefits that you can actually experience when you are on Nugenix Testosterone booster.

A little background of Nugenix Testosterone Booster
Nugenix Video Review

A few years back, scientists reveal that the human body produces a hormone that today we have known as Testosterone.

This particular hormone is great for performing various functions in the human body.

Scientists also have confirmed that as the human body ages, the level of this hormone starts decreasing that means we will not be able to get its 100% benefits after a certain age due to its reduced quantity.

This was a huge discovery as it triggered scientists and researchers alike to find a solution for this reduction process either to stop or to find another way to restore the decrease levels.

This is the point when synthetic testosterone hormone boosters entered the story.

Nugenix LLC is one of the leading brands right now in the supplement industry.

This company has various nutrient supplements to its name like

  • Nugenix testosterone booster
  • Free testosterone boosters
  • Prostate health support dietary supplements

The purchase of these products is easy as you can directly get them from the official website or there are different retailers offline, and online that can offer you Nugenix via their channel.

Such retailers include

  • Amazon
  • Walgreens
  • GNC
  • Walmart etc

What are the claims of Nugenix Testosterone Booster?

Frank Thomas Testosterone booster
Frank Thomas

First of all, they claim it will have numerous health benefits to offers to its users, mainly, if the user is interested in improving their exercise regimen in term of duration and performance.

Some of the Nugenix reviews show us that having one dose regularly each day can optimize the growth of muscle, improve libido and a visible improvement in bodybuilding traits.

Some clinical studies have done to test the benefits of Nugenix for men that are above fifty.

The final results were better than expected as this experiment took up to six weeks’ time to take place and all the subjects later shared their experience of having this product.

Almost 63% of subjects were happy with the results that they get, around 2% of subjects reported to have good energy during their exercise and almost 85% of subjects reported that they experience good libido.

These outcomes are quite positive. Everybody loves to have better strength, endurance level that they can count on and youthful looks.

To better understand the functionality of this supplement, it is important that you learn Nugenix ingredients in detail.

Nugenix Ingredients

how to take Nugenix
Nugenix Ingredients and Dosage

The Nugenix ultimate has the following components in their ingredient list.

i. L-Citrulline Malate

L-Citrulline Malate is likely to aid in improving blood flow and respiratory fitness. This one single component can make your blood vessels to hold a considerable blood flow for a more extended period of time.

It has a direct connection to improve your libido experience.

ii. Fenugreek Extract

Fenugreek extract (Testofen) contains 50% standardized fenuside. It can improve T levels.

iii. D-aspartic Acid

It is a type of amino acids that our brain utilizes for triggering the synthesis of the testosterone hormone. D-aspartic acid can actually support in the formation of another hormone LH (luteinizing hormone).

LH is quite essential in elevating testosterone, and it works as a mandatory factor for T hormone formation.

iv. Epimedium Grandiflorum

Icariin is the main element in Epimedium Grandiflorum. In several different studies that were performed on animal subjects, icariin has shown that it has a tendency to resolve the issue of erectile dysfunction.

v. Vitamin B12 and B6

Making of serotonin takes place in the human body, and vitamin B6 helps in it. Serotonin is actually a type of chemical that your body needs to regulate your mood whereas Vitamin B12 is helpful in the production of DNA.

The other remaining ingredients are as follows.

Nugenix Ultimate benefits/ Nugenix Results

The benefits of this product can be super cool to experience.

They can vary from one user to another, and they somewhat depend on the factors like dosage and the way; you follow the instructions.

Results of Testosterone booster
Nugenix Results

The benefits of Nugenix are as follows.

  • Better muscle strength
  • Optimization in muscle growth
  • Better libido

If you are keen to take this supplement, read the instruction carefully or if you are still unsure, talk to your doctor.

Nugenix Side Effects

Nugenix side effects are quite negligible according to the Nugenix reviews via thousands of customers.

However, it is still essential to name those side effects.

  • Bloating
  • Nasal Congestion
  • Diarrhea
  • Upset stomach
  • Gas

These side effects may upset a few of the readers but here are two things. First of all, not every user experiences these side effects.

Secondly, these side effects subside in a few days.

Nugenix Lawsuits?

To begin with, there are no lawsuits against the Adaptive Health, LLC (Company) or against Nugenix Testosterone Booster.

Therefore, you can take a sigh of relief.

Nugenix Cost

This Nugenix Testosterone Booster will cost you $69.99,   Nugenix Prostate Health Support will cost you $34.99, Nugenix Ultimate will cost you $89.99


Nugenix Amazon

 Nugenix ultimate will cost $72.95,    Nugenix natural testosterone booster will cost $55.99. (checkout price here)


Nugenix GNC

Nugenix Ultimate Testosterone will cost you $79.99,   Nugenix Testosterone Booster will cost you $57.99. (checkout price here)


If you are considering Nugenix for boosting your free testosterone levels, it is a yes from our side.

order Nugenix online
Buy Nugenix

We have found numerous positive customer reviews regarding this product that is a good sign.

However, it does not give you 100% benefits as it has been advertised, but yes you can expect some 75% to 85% benefits as per the claims.

There are some negative reviews as well then we need to consider this fact that every user is different and not everyone will get the similar benefits but this product is a great addition, this thing is for sure.

However, it is not much pocket friendly but other than that you are good to go for it.

You can get Nugenix reviews of customers all over the internet if you need some further details.

By Michael Norwood, Ph.D.

Michael is an enthusiastic online blogger and professional health and fitness experts who reviewed men’s related health supplements. Michael studied thoroughly about the nutrition available in food and what can make you eat healthily. He also encourages the idea of weight loss by dieting for which he has made some remarkable contributions to the people out there.